As a well-travelled American that absolutely detests these woke imbeciles I agree categorically with everything you wrote here. I left the US in 2009 and never looked back. I’ve lived throughout Europe, Asia, and presently live in Ecuador (got stuck during CoVID and just never left). After almost ten years abroad without returning I thought I’d give the US another chance about the time that Trump was elected. Whew! That was a mistake and the next time I’ll return home will be in a box. As a whole, they’d rather fill their lives with these meaningless woke causes than looking at ANY of the major problems either in the US or abroad. Never mind there are countless kilometers of tunnels from Mexico to the US, let’s build a wall. Never mind the massive under-educated people… let’s devote our energies to giving people that don’t know if they’re a boy or a girl the right to use whatever public toilet they want and wonder why rape statistics are going up and victims can’t identify their perpetrator because they’re in drag. Truly a sickening state of affairs.