This article really resonated with me. I’ve had many of the exact same experiences right down to the heart attack. I spent a couple of years in Asia. It wasn’t quite my thing, but I absolutely adored the Balkans and spent 9 years there (mostly Romania, Greece, and Bulgaria). Medicine was and still is cheap there, but Romanians have jokes about how you go to hospitals to die. I went back to the US right before the biggest heart problems and I’m glad I did because I wouldn’t be here now if I didn’t. I had to have six bypasses. Thankfully that was done in one surgery. In many other countries it would have been a much longer and dangerous procedure. Still, I couldn’t stay in the US. I’ve just changed too much in my years abroad and it really sickens me as a country. I managed to stay eight months before I left vowing that I’d only go back in a box. That was five years ago. I hope you fare better than I did! Good luck! :)